Sociopata Anão

(o pormenor do "Anão" é uma metáfora em relação à minha posição social...) Percebeste seu Ignóbil?!!!

quarta-feira, outubro 24, 2007

I ain't happy, i'm feeling glad.

Tears that complement my smile

again running wild down my face,

while thoughts that never leave me

lead me again to a turtle race

Well nice to meet you,

Can you help me?

I need rescue from a strange, unfamiliar face

the one that wears no mask but one

Tears that dry out my eyes

taking the smile away

from the strange, unfamiliar face

Where i seek rescue in my own way

The turtles convinced themselves they're rabbits

Ran into the slaughter's house

leaving only a thousand shells

soulseeking souvenirs that surround the lonely

maskless man

Left alone i shatter, hate and suffer.